Let’s set hunting BigHorn Sheep in inaccessible mountain terrain aside… What practical purpose does the long range rifle hold for defensive purposes? They are slow, heavy and usually eat premium ammo. An antiquated equation for the modern minute man.
In a defensive situation, especially a close quarters one, your grandpa’s clunky hunting rifle would of course be better than nothing, but is easily out-shined by countless better options. Choosing to engage a threat at 300 yards seems pretty ridiculous to us. Now, we are not saying this could never come in handy. We are merely stating the likelihood of this being a practical defensive “go to” is about as likely as you hitting the target consistently at those distances.
Having a nice wall hanger in the collection is one thing. But, relying on this as a main defensive weapon will probably get your head hanging on the wall. But again, we are not saying these firearms serve no purpose. They are absolutely a nice accompaniment to a well rounded arsenal. We are just saying if you’re running around a survival situation like it's the opening levels in some apocalyptic video game where you just haven't found the good guns yet, you’re doing yourself a disservice.