Firearms sure have come a long way since the days of old. Are any of those vintage weapons still viable in today's ever evolving firearm’s landscape? We will take a look at a few that people love for the nostalgic allure, but do they actually serve a real purpose or are they just nice wall hangers?
Let’s start with the ubiquitous revolver. The six-shooter of the old west. These come in as many caliber options as there are rounds offered. Reliability is their claim to fame, but what about capacity or reloading speed? We certainly would choose a striker fired semi-auto handgun any day of the week.
How about a lever action rifle? Again, tons of calibers to choose from. These tube fed dinosaurs can be clunky without a lot of range time behind the trigger. Rate of fire can be decently quick with practice, but reloading is not. The modern sporting rifle outshines the lever action in just about every aspect of combat. Magazine fed, gas operated systems have relegated these old timers to the back of the gun safe.
However… We aren’t saying these older models have absolutely no place today. There are those out there who cling to the tried and true. Those who fear change and live simple lives outside advancement. To all those stubborn buckaroos we say, you can have them. We will stick to the modern and ever changing. The latest and greatest. Afterall, why be stuck in the past when the future is here.