Lying cold on the slab, the last four years are lifeless, bloated and rotting. The decaying vestige of our once great country. But, is there still life left in this great experiment? Can we resurrect the corpse with a lightning bolt to the old ticker? Jump start a trashed economy? Actually defend the sovereignty of our border? Replace ideology with critical thinking? Regain our global pole position?
Regardless of your political affiliation, the reality of our current situation is pretty hard to deny. Our money simply doesn’t go as far now as it did four years ago. Groceries cost more at the store and gas is insane at the pump. Our economy is a stuck pig flailing around in its last throes before death.
Our border or what used to be our border is an absolute disaster. Drugs and even humans are being trafficked with impunity. The burden on sanctuary cities to house and care for this influx is in the hundreds of millions. All funded by the taxpayers of this country. All with no justification or end in sight.
These are only a few of the serious issues plaguing this country. What will all this look like come election time? Will there even be an election or will chaos reign? This is not a partisan opinion we take. The hard question is after the body is cold and the dirt is shoveled, are you better off now or not? For the majority of us that question is pretty simple to answer, if you’re honest…