The incredible thing about this little experiment we call America is oppositions have the freedom to express their opinions without hindrance… right? This is protected by our first amendment rights. As long as we aren’t hurting anyone we can pretty much say what we want. At least in theory.
College campuses have always been a hotbed for political and social protest. Nothing new there. But, what happens when these impressionable young minds are fed partisan propaganda, whipped into a frenzy and set loose on the quad? You end up with an ideology bomb exploding and uninformed rhetoric being spewed.
Many college kids are like a sponge. An easily emotionally manipulated sponge. Feed them a narrative and they will run with it. Backing it with all the feverish psychopathy their parents dish out fifty thousand a year to fuel. So, what are the dangers of this? Indoctrinating the youth with wild unfounded ideology and releasing them into the world full of self-righteous hubris. What could possibly go wrong?
We don’t believe anyone should be censored - within reason. But, the chain of quality information seems to be breaking down. Social causes are turning people into hand puppets for ideas they really don’t understand. Critical thinking is a skill. The ability to discern truth from an agenda is circling the bowl.